Deeds, Wills And Trust, Oh My!
By: Barry L. Miller, Esq., of Barry L. Miller, P.A., Offices Orlando What is the best way to plan? As the Covid 19 pandemic continues, many people are thinking about or revising their estate planning needs. There is not a one shoe fits all when it comes to your assets and planning. It is good to know that there are several affordable options. Here is an overview:...Read More

Would You Rely On Google To Diagnose Heart Disease?
By: David Berman, Esq., of Barry L. Miller, P.A., Offices Orlando If you had chest pains would you trust the internet to diagnose your symptoms and provide proper treatment? If your car breaks down would you rely on YouTube videos and try to fix it yourself? If you were being audited by the IRS, would you use TurboTax to protect your financial interests? Of course you...Read More