New Updates/Changes To The FR/BAR Residential Contract For Sale & Purchase
By: Barry Miller, Esq., of Barry L. Miller, P.A., Offices Orlando The Florida Realtors/Florida Bar’s Residential Contract for Sale and Purchase and the “AS IS” Residential Contract for Sale and Purchase have recently been updated. Changes to the contact now includes the term “Closing Services.” In the past there have been disagreements on whether fees can be charged to buyers on certain...Read More 0
NEW LAW: Flood Disclosures Now Required For All Sellers Of Property
By: Alexander Tanios, Esq., of Barry L. Miller, P.A., Offices Orlando Effective October 1, 2024, the Florida Legislature created Florida Statute 689.302 requiring all sellers of real property to disclose to any prospective purchaser specific conditions and history of the property before a sales contract is signed. The State of Florida has defined flooding for this statute as any one of...Read More 0
EASEMENTS: New Florida Statutes Resolved Doctrine Of Merger Issue
By: Alexander Tanios, Esq., of Barry L. Miller, P.A., Offices Orlando Landlocked parcels of property can cause havoc for landowners. A landlocked parcel is a property that does not have direct contact to a public roadway by way of one of the property’s borders. One solution for a landlocked parcel is for the property owner bordering the public roadway to provide an easement for ingress,...Read More 0
Buyer’s Guide to Buyer Broker Agreement
By: Barry Miller, Esq., of Barry L. Miller, P.A., Offices Orlando With recent changes to rules that govern Realtors® and compensation to buyer’s brokers, the process just got more confusing and complicated for buyers. First, buyers will be required to have a contractual relationship with their agent. This agreement will set the terms of engagement between the buyer and the...Read More 0
Florida Landlord / Tenant Update – July 2023
By: Barry Miller, Esq., of Barry L. Miller, P.A., Offices Orlando New Statute effective July 1, 2023 Florida Statute 83, which governs Landlords and Tenants has several provisions that have changed. Here are the highlights: Preemption. (FS 83.425) The State has effectually preempted a county or municipality from enacting laws and ordinances that govern...Read More 0
Legal Notices No Longer Required To Be Published In Newspapers
By: Barry Miller, Esq., of Barry L. Miller, P.A., Offices Orlando Governmental agencies are no longer required to publish legal notices in local newspapers or on their websites. Effective January 1, 2023, Florida law will no longer will require legal notices to be published in local newspapers. The revision to the law gives a governmental agency the option to publish its legal...Read More 0