Protecting The Proceeds Of The Sale Of Homestead Property
By: Christian C. Walters, Esq., of Barry L. Miller, P.A., Offices Orlando Many of us who reside in the State of Florida know that homestead provides various protections to Florida Landowners. Florida’s homestead laws provide powerful tools to ensure that a family home is not the subject of a forced sale. What many people do not realize is, you can actually sell your homestead,...Read More

Florida Remote Online Notarization Statute Changes
By: Barry L. Miller, Esq., of Barry L. Miller, P.A., Offices Orlando Florida Statute 117, which governs remote online notarization (RON), was amended and the following changes take effect on January 1, 2022: • A Florida online notary performing a RON closing shall select the technology to be used. No person, other than the notary’s employer, may require the notary to use a particular...Read More

What To Do If A Home Has Solar Panels
By: Barry L. Miller, Esq., of Barry L. Miller, P.A., Offices Orlando When listing a home that has solar panels, agents must make inquiry with the seller to ensure that the Solar Panels are addressed. Find out: Are the panels leased or owned? a. If leased, can the lease be transferred and assumed by the buyer?...Read More

Tips Before Renting An Apartment Or Home
By: Barry L. Miller, Esq., of Barry L. Miller, P.A., Offices Orlando Before renting a home or apartment, follow these tips to avoid issues: 1. Shop around. It is a tenant’s market right now. See if there are incentives. Free month’s rent, re-imbursement for moving expenses or gift card. If your credit score is high, ask that the security deposit be waived...Read More

Changes To Probate Notice Requirements; Personal Representative Conflicts And Attorney’s Fees
By: Barry L. Miller, Esq., of Barry L. Miller, P.A., Offices Orlando Effective October 1, 2020, the probate laws relating to notice of administration, notice in probate proceedings, personal representative conflict of interest, and compensation of an attorney who serves as a personal representative have been updated. The new law: – Defines precious metals such as bullion or...Read More

New CDC Order To Prohibit Evictions…..Maybe
By: Barry L. Miller, Esq., of Barry L. Miller, P.A., Offices Orlando The Center of Disease Control (CDC) announced that they will be publishing an Order on September 4, 2020 to restrict evictions through the U.S. This comes on the heels of Florida’s Governor extending the ban in Florida. According to reports, under the CDC guidelines if the tenant received an economic impact...Read More